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Willow Arts & Wellness Center, Online Schedule
Log In to your Simple Practice account for Sarah E. Walker's THERAPY/COUNSELING Sessions.



PLEASE LOG IN TO with your username and password for music lesson scheduling

with your instructor. 30 days notice is required for a pause in, or termination of lessons. This notice should be provided to


Contact PAUL directly at for the Guitar schedule.

Same day cancelations are NOT eligible for make ups.



Network with us socially online!

Suicide Hotline: When you feel you can't go on, call a suicide hotline. Let someone know your pain. 1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-273-TALK

Alcoholics Anonymous: Promoting recovery for all forms of chemical dependency.

Al-Anon and Alateen: Is your life affected by someone's drinking or drugging? Help for families and friends.

Co-Dependents Anonymous: A program of recovery from co-dependence. Learning ways to overcome the dilemmas of the conflicts in our relationships and our childhoods.



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